Treatment for Mood Disorders
Strive for a Better Tomorrow: Getting Treatment for Mood Disorders
Mood disorders are a type of mental health issue that impacts one's emotional state. Illuminate Psychotherapy and Growth offers an opportunity for you to learn how to handle these disorders, and find a way to lead a happier life.
We treat many types of mood disorders, including but not limited to the following:
Bipolar disorder. A bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which a person will have alternating periods of severe depression and extreme mania or feelings of invincibility. Treatment for mood disorders like bipolar will typically include a mix of medication and therapy.
Dysthymia. Do you constantly feel like you're walking through a rain cloud? You might suffer from dysthymia and require a therapist for depression. Dysthymia is a chronic, persistent low-grade depression that lasts for two or more years.

Major depression. An acute, severe depression will include major feelings of hopelessness or sadness that is typically related to a life event. Treatment for this mood disorder will also typically include therapy as well as medication.
Panic Disorder. Primarily, this disorder is characterized by panic attacks. These are sudden episodes of intense fear that trigger physical reactions, when you are actually facing no real danger or significant cause. Untreated, panic disorder can result in the development of Agoraphobia and Depression.
Social Anxiety Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorders. The grip of intense, unavoidable worrying is common to most types of anxiety disorders. Social anxiety disorder is distinct in that these worries tend to focus on being judged or evaluated by others. Generalized anxiety disorder, on the other hand, covers a wider range of topics and forms more around ongoing relationships. In either case, psychotherapy can make a major difference.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. After experiencing a traumatic or intensely frightening event, it is very common to experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Nightmares, flashbacks to the event, and intense reactions to things that remind you of the event are all common symptoms. With treatment, you can begin to let the trauma go.

Phobias. Highly related to anxiety disorders, phobias cause intense panic and fear when exposed to specific situations, beings, or objects. However, these fears can be controlled and lessened with specialized therapy.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. This disorder features a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears that lead you to repeatedly engage in a specific behavior. Any attempts to control either thought or behavior are intensely difficult, which leads to more ritualistic behavior. However, you shouldn’t be ashamed of OCD, and you should know that medication and therapy can help significantly.
Again, while these are the most common types of mood disorders a therapist for depression and other mood disorders will treat, they are not the only ones. The best way to find out what is at the heart of your mood disorder is to seek a consultation with a clinical psychologist at Illuminate Psychotherapy and Growth.